Thursday 31 January 2013

opening music

Opening Music

Zombieland opening music

Sound effects – zombies growling, zombie biting into people, gunshot, glass smashing

Music – ‘whom the bells tolls’ plays in the background of the opening credits. Heavy rock song suggests anarchy

Shaun of the dead opening music

Music - ‘the blue wrath’ plays in the background. As it’s a comedy film the music is lighthearted and has a fast tempo

Sound effects – footsteps

Night of the living dead opening music

The music is eerie and suspenseful which gives a sense of unnaturalness, plays in the background

Sound effects – car driving past

The sound codes and conventions for this genre is ambient eerie background music, which gives the film tension. The sound effects used in this genre are mainly zombie noises, footsteps and occasionally gunshots depending on the type of film.

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